Our current action teams are Building Electrification and Efficiency, Healthy Forests, Carbon Fee and Dividend, Grassroots Outreach, Agriculture, and Media.
Judy Meuth (Washington) and Mary DuPree (Idaho) are Co-Leaders of CCL Palouse.
Stephan Flint is Treasurer, and Margaret Davis is Secretary.
Congressional Liaisons: Mac Cantrell – ID District 01, Ian Schlater – ID District 02, Judy Meuth – WA District 05
- Building Electrification and Efficiency – Mac Cantrell, Mary DuPree
- Healthy Forests – Leonard Garrison
- Carbon Fee and Dividend policy – Margaret Davis
- Agriculture
- Grassroots Outreach – Simon Smith
- Media – Gisell Zuniga and Margaret Davis (social media)
Documents [link to Resources]
Palouse area forest resources and agencies
Reforestation Sources (list provided by UofI Extension)