BYLAWS Citizen’s Climate Lobby Palouse Chapter
ARTICLE 1 – NAME – The legal name of the Non-Profit Organization shall be the Citizens’ Climate Lobby Palouse Chapter or “CCLPalouse.”
ARTICLE 2 – PURPOSE – The general purpose for which the CCL-Palouse has been established is to work to pass effective climate/energy legislation through Congress.
ARTICLE 3 – MEMBERSHIP AND MEETINGS – Those who express a commitment to the purpose of the CCL-Palouse shall be considered members. Decisions will be by consensus, either at a meeting or by e-mail. There shall be a minimum of four meetings annually, announced by email to members and via the media to the public. There will be at least one business meeting each year, at which Bylaws can be changed by a quorum of one quarter of the active members. Notes on all meetings shall be distributed to the members.
ARTICLE 4 – OFFICERS – Officers shall, at a minimum, include two co-coordinators and a treasurer, agreed upon by consensus of the members.
ARTICLE 5 – DEDICATION OF ASSETS – The assets of the CCL-Palouse are irrevocably dedicated to and for non-profit purposes only. None shall benefit any person or member. On dissolution, all remaining properties and assets shall be distributed to the national office of the CCL or to the Palouse Environmental Sustainability Coalition.
ARTICLE 6—INDEMNIFICATION – To the fullest extent permitted by law, the CCL-Palouse shall indemnify its members, past and present, when they act in the interest of the CCL-Palouse.
ARTICLE 7—CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY – The interested person will disclose financial interest and all material facts. The other members shall decide if a conflict of interest exists and what action to take.